Estimadas familias y cuidadores, Según los informes del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, anticipamos que la calidad del aire en nuestra región seguirá siendo mala esta semana debido a los incendios forestales en curso en Canadá. Tomaremos los siguientes pasos proactivos para la seguridad de los estudiantes y empleados si la calidad del aire no mejora o empeora: - Mantener todas las ventanas cerradas. - Limitación fuera de PE o Gimnasio. - Asegurarse de que los estudiantes tengan acceso a descansos para tomar agua adecuados. - Revisar a los estudiantes que sabemos que están comprometidos con su respiración. Seguiremos de cerca este evento meteorológico único y lo mantendremos informado. Su orgulloso Superintendente, Michelle Osterhoudt
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Dear families and caregivers, Based on reports from the National Weather Service, we anticipate that the air quality in our region will remain poor this week due to ongoing wildfires in Canada. We will take the following proactive steps for student and employee safety if the air quality doesn't improve our worsens: - Keeping all windows closed. - Limiting outside PE or Gym. - Making sure students have access to adequate water breaks. - Checking on students who we know are compromised with their breathing. We will closely monitor this unique weather event and keep you informed. Your proud Superintendent, Michelle Osterhoudt
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Congratulations to all of our students who were celebrated at last night's Excellence in Academics banquet!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Excellence in Academics banquet 2023
Margaretville Central School third, fourth, and fifth grade girls participated in the Girls on the Run 5K in Oneonta today! The 5K is the culminating event of MCS's Wildflowers Running Club, led this year by fifth grade teacher Linda Pesa, which is open to girls in grades three through eight. Students trained for ten weeks leading up to today's run. The Girls on the Run organization is a nonprofit that has "fun, evidence-based programs that inspire girl empowerment by building confidence, kindness and decision making skills." Way to go, girls!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
MCS Girls on the Run 5K 2023
MCS Girls on the Run 5K 2023
Margaretville Central School Girls on the Run 5K 2023
This week's events!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
This week graphic
Signing Days 2023! Congratulations to our Seniors at NCOC and OAOC who have been offered and committed to jobs after graduation and to those who have committed to the military! 🎉 Pictured here is senior Christian Davis. Congratulations, Christian!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Christian Davis
Important end of the year dates for High School.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
High School end of the year important dates.
Elementary end of the year important dates.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Elementary End of the Year Calendar
Margaretville Central School announces its top three honor students of the Class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Margaretville Central School announces its top three honor students of the Class of 2023
Reminder: Please make sure your students return their library books by next Friday!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Library Books are due Friday, June 9!
Today we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Always remember: freedom isn't free! Today's parades: 9 a.m. Fleischmanns 11 a.m. Margaretville
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Some of our favorite seniors came out for dinner and dancing last night! What a great event, full of great fun!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Spring Fling
Spring Fling
Spring Fling
Spring Fling
Please make note of the dates for Chromebook returns and be sure your students bring their Chromebooks on the designated return day!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
White text on a dark blue background reads, "Chromebook Return Schedule." Beneath it, on a dark laptop silhouette, white text reads: "Grades 7-12: Monday, June 12; Grades K-2: Tuesday, June 20; Grades 3-6: Wednesday, June 21."
THANK YOU to our community for supporting our budget and, by extension, our ability to provide our students with the best educational experience possible, and congratulations to Mrs. Doris Warner for her re-election to the Margaretville Central School Board of Education!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Budget Passed: Thank you!
The choral concert for students in grades 4 through 12 is tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium! Elementary, middle, and high school chorus students will perform.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Over a background image of a microphone and faded lights, white text reads: "Tonight: Chorus Concert, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium."
MCS BUDGET PASSES! Thank you, Margaretville School Community for passing a budget that will bring opportunities to our children! 125 Total Voters 117 - Yes to Budget 8 - No to Budget Passed by 93.6% Bus Vote 110 - Yes to Buying 2 buses 13 - No to Bus Doris Warner elected
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Our Why!
Celebrating our scholar Holly VonBernewitz and her teacher mentor, Evette Garofolo at the Scholar Recognition Banquet at SUNY Oneonta! #ScholarRecognition #Mentoring @ONCBOCES @SUNY_Oneonta @marg_csd
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
Holly and Mrs. Garofolo
There will be no CROP tomorrow (Friday, May 12). Please make other after-school arrangements for your student(s). Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Black text on a rainbow watercolor background reads, "NO CROP! Please make other after-school arrangements for your students. Thank you!"
A number of pieces of student artwork have been selected to be featured in the upcoming Emerging Artists exhibit at the Roxbury Arts Group's Walter Meade Gallery! The opening reception is tomorrow (Friday, May 12); the exhibit runs through June 24.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
The Roxbury Arts Group presents: Emerging Artists
Add these upcoming events to your calendar: and don't forget to vote May 16!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Budget Night Vote: Tuesday, May 16, 2023