Superintendent Osterhoudt is accompanied by BOE President Doris Warner, Vice President Marc Osterweil, and member Matt Steen at the Annual Rural Schools Association of NY Annual Conference in Cooperstown. RSA is a leader in educational advocacy, information, and research.
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
RSA Cooperstown
The updated Summer Enrichment Flyer. Please email the teacher below the program to sign up or with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Danielle Fronckowiak
Updated Summer Enrichment Flyer
Summer Enrichment 2023 - Please reach out to the teacher by the email below the program that your student is interested in or with any questions you may have.
over 1 year ago, Danielle Fronckowiak
Summer Enrichment 2023
Principal Giardino and school counselor Millen discuss the school's communication plan
over 1 year ago, Danielle Fronckowiak
summer work
They did it! Congratulations, MCS Class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Margaretville Central School Class of 2023
Congratulations, Class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Congratulations, Class of 2023!
We can't wait to celebrate our graduates tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Join us for the Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony: Saturday, June 24, 1:30 p.m., Gymnasium
Congratulations to all of our students who "Moved Up" at moving up day and fifth grade graduation yesterday!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Moving Up Day 2023
Fifth Grade Graduation 2023
It's a busy last week at MCS!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
This week graphic 6/16
Elementary Field Day: success!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Elementary Field Day 2023
Elementary Field Day 2023
Elementary Field Day 2023
Elementary Field Day 2023
Our last week is a four-day week. Enjoy the long weekend!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Mrs. Pesa's and Mrs. Balch's fifth grade students did a truly outstanding job on their well-researched (and delicious!) Country Fair projects today!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
2023 Fifth grade Country Fair
Third grade students in Mrs. Asher's and Ms. Smith's classes had a fantastic time at Legoland Discovery Center Westchester yesterday! Students worked in teams on Lego builds, built and tested Lego racers, and met other challenges as well as enjoyed a 4D movie!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Legoland Discovery Center Westchester
Don't forget! Registration for summer CROP will be held TONIGHT (Thursday, June 15) at 5:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. This is a one-time sign-up. Summer CROP is for students in grades K through 5 and will run Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from July 10 through August 10.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Summer CROP sign-ups tonight!
Make note of this week's events! And a reminder that there is no school next Monday, June 19.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
This week graphic
Don't forget: The Annual Senior Cap and Gown Parade will be held tomorrow (Friday, June 9) at 5:00 p.m. Members of the Class of 2023 should wait with their decorated cars at their banners at 4:30. The bus will start its route at 5:00 and make its way down Main Street, delivering caps and gowns to the seniors. Family and friends are encouraged to accompany their seniors at their banners.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Class of 2023 Cap and Gown Parade
The Middle School Reading Club has a Summer Reading Challenge and quarterly Reading Challenges for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Five students successfully completed the Readopoly Challenge. Gianna Torres, Amelia Marks, Zachariah Wells, Caleb Santos, and Mackenzie Scully read a total of 58 books during the challenge. The winner of the raffle was Amelia Marks, who read 14 books. The Middle School Reading Club is led by club advisors and English teachers Amanda Wells and Kristin Vignona.
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
Middle School Reading Club "Readopoly Challenge"winners
Our third graders did an outstanding job on their biography presentations today! Front row, left to right: Princess Diana, Anne Frank, Queen Elizabeth I, Helen Keller, Coretta Scott King, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Anne Frank. Middle row, left to right: Jane Goodall, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Sacagawea, Serena Williams, Abraham Lincoln, Wayne Gretzky, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Malala Yousafzai, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (times three!). Back row, left to right: Susan B. Anthony, Ronald Reagan, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, George Washington Carver (also times three!). Way to go, third grade!
over 1 year ago, Julia Marks
2023 Third Grade Biography Presentations
Para tu información El evento Go BLUE que sigue en pie para este viernes 9 de junio. Debido a la calidad del aire, el evento será bajo techo. No se requieren trajes de baño ni toallas. ¡Pero para pasar un buen rato rebotando, necesitarás calcetines! ¡Estamos igual de emocionados!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt
FYI: The Go BLUE event is still on for this Friday, June 9th. Due to air quality and temperatures, the event will be indoors. Bathing suits and towels are not required. But in order to have a bouncing good time, you will need socks! We hope you are as excited as we are!
over 1 year ago, Michelle Osterhoudt