Spectator Bus Permission Slip
Event: BV Basketball Semi-Finals Game
Date of Event: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Departure Time: 5:00pm
Return Time: approx. 10:30pm

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are pleased to offer the opportunity for students to attend the BV Semi-Finals Basketball game as spectators, and we are organizing a bus to transport students to and from the event. Please complete and return the permission slip below if you would like your child to participate.

Student Information:
Name of Student: ___________________________
Grade: ___________________________
Emergency Contact Number: ___________________________

Parent/Guardian Permission:
I, the undersigned, give permission for my child, ______________________, to attend the BV Semi-Final Basketball game as a spectator and travel by bus to and from the event. I understand that the students will be supervised during the trip and at the event, and I agree to pick up my child at the designated time and location after the event if necessary.

In case of emergency, I can be reached at the following number:
Emergency Contact Number: ___________________________

Medical Information (if applicable):
Does your child have any medical conditions or allergies we should be aware of?
Yes / No (circle one)
If yes, please specify: ______________________________________________________

Consent for Medical Treatment (if necessary):
In the event of an emergency, I authorize school personnel to seek medical treatment for my child.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________

Cost of Transportation:
There will be NO cost for transportation. 

Cost for the event: 

CoDigital $7.30 (General Admission)

Cash $8.00 (General Admission)

There will be concession stands available. Food/drinks

We look forward to your child's participation in this exciting event!

Please contact Tracy Reither if you have any questions. treither@margaretvillecs.org