This week's Principally Yours is a celebration of what it means to be a Senior at MCS. As we move towards 21st Century skills, we are working towards incorporating real-life internships and connections for Seniors at MCS. This allows for experiences that can lead to a positive future for our graduates.
Conner will be our first student to partner with Margaretville Telephone Company (MTC). He is going to be an Accounting apprentice starting in early January. He will work with an adult to learn about all aspects of accounting. This hands on experience will include: shadowing the CFO, budget analysis, confidentiality, special projects, and much much more.
Internships allow MCS students to explore 21st Century jobs. For our future graduates, this is a win-win . Internships help us meet targeted goals for future employment opportunities within Delaware County. Our graduates will be employable and help fill future vacancies in our community.
Conner is planning on possibly going to SUNY Brockport after he graduates MCS. Over the years, he has participated in many extra-curricular activities. He also works at Belleayre in the winter and Grocholl landscaping in the summer. All of these experiences are great for the college application process.
Congratulations Conner. You are a well rounded young man that is going to make a difference in the future. Bravo Conner for being a trailblazer for internships at MCS.